If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Pursue a more focused level of intentional growth through our transformational coaching services.



If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Pursue a more focused level of intentional growth through our transformational coaching services.



Our transformational coaching curriculum is designed to produce maximum results in minimal time. We support you in developing and refining the skills you need to succeed. We’ll help you confront challenges head-on and develop a plan of action to overcome what has hindered you in the past.

Our Coaching Clients Receive:

  • Personalized coaching curriculum designed for you
  • Weekly/ Monthly coaching sessions
  • Specific action-oriented assignments
  • Direct email access to your coach
  • Confidential advice and accountability
  • And much, much more!

What did Michael Jordan, Princess Diana, and Oprah Winfrey all have in common? They all used coaches. Even at the peak of their careers, great leaders continue to use coaches to help them achieve more. If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Improve your performance and your results!

Pursue a more focused level of intentional growth through our transformational coaching services. To learn more about how you or your team can benefit from our customized coaching solutions click here.


Spiritual Growth

The Apostle Peter encouraged all believers to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18). In the Spiritual Growth Workshop you will get practical tools and training to take your spiritual life to the next level: 

  •  Living Free from the Trap of Offense 
  •  Training for Reigning: Release the Power of Your Potential 
  •  How to “Hear” from God 
  •  The Essential Elements of Spiritual Maturity 
  •  How to Easily Incorporate Spiritual Disciplines into a Busy Life

Power of Prayer

Do you want to build a more powerful prayer life? If so, this is for you! You will learn how to grow in your ability to communicate with God and hear from Him. You’ll get practical strategies for a living a life of faith and growing in your intimacy with the Lord. In this transformational training you will get: 

  •  7 Strategies for Worry-Free Living 
  •  How to Hear from God and Make Right Decisions 
  •  Why It’s Not a Stress Test: It’s a Rest Test 
  •  How to Pray Prayers that Get Answered 
  •  Ignite Joy with “Praise Pointers”

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

Priceless Treasure: 3 Keys to Inner Peace, Greater Joy and Intimacy with God by Maurene Brown-Phillips

This eBook is one of Maurene Brown-Phillips' most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this ebook, you will learn:

  • How to break the bricks of "stinking thinking", wrong belief systems and incorrect modeling. 
  • How to utilize God's Word to live victoriously. Achieving this will lead to inner peace, greater joy and intimacy with the Holy Spirit.
  • How to structure "Quiet Time"; engage in effective listening; master God's voice.
  • 5 major disciplines to "eat the Word", 5 strategies to reading the Bible and a whole lot more!

What People Are Saying:


"Before working with Coach Maurene I was struggling with inconsistency, and I was not growing spiritually fast as I should. I enrolled in the Priceless Treasure Program, and she helped me create structure and work through some issues. Today, I am more intentional and alert to represent Christ when faced with a situation. When unsure, I am promoting Him for victories. I am reminded that we are Ambassadors of Christ. If you are struggling with spiritual maturity, I highly recommend working with Coach Maurene."



""Priceless Treasure" has resuscitated my relationship with God. The tools introduced by Coach Maurene have revitalized and renewed my spirit! I am back on track, moving towards spiritual maturity. If you need an effective Coach to come alongside you and give you strategies to gain inner peace, greater joy and to develop intimacy with God, choose Coach Maurene!"



"Before working with Coach Maurene, I was struggling with confidence in my career path. I have three young children and finding extra time was a bit challenging. However, I made the sacrifice and enrolled in a Priceless Treasure Session. I am glad I did, because today I am confident and encouraged. If you are struggling with figuring out your purpose in life, I highly recommend working with Coach Maurene.
You won’t be disappointed!"



"Before working with Coach Maurene, I struggled with inconsistency and experienced seasons of spiritual stagnation. She gave me strategies which helped me work through the various issues and held me accountable. Coach Maurene also helped me gain clarity and now have a greater sense of purpose. My passion for an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit has returned, and I am experiencing inner peace and greater joy. I highly recommend Coach Maurene!"


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How to Plan and Achieve Your Goals

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